Wednesday, November 17, 2010

pork, potatoes, etc for din din

Well, just new to this with so much to share.  tonight i fixed up a great dinner for my family.  You can see the pictures, I'm sure. we love rice and recently decided to start using our loved white rice again.  ingredients for this is pork, potatoes, garlic, onions, bay leaves, soy sauce, vinegar (should be white), sugar, black pepper and spices to taste.  this with white rice is the best!  you can replace pork with chicken.  we rarely eat pork. I modify my recipes to taylor to my family's liking resulting in my usually blending the unliked items, i.e onions, to be hidden, but still added into my recipe in order to maintain it's wonderful flavor.   as i was cooking this i realized how i can make home cooked meals, post it somewhere, and have my friends contact me for an order and receive payment.  i don't think that's so bad.  most of my friends don't have time to cook, don't know how or are just too lazy to do so.  i LOVE cooking without people looking over my shoulders, i wonder why?  I know why, i can't stand to be told what to do. is that proof that i have a problem with authority or is it just because i like being free?  seems like life to me. recently quit my work and i LOVE being home and having more time to enjoy my freedom. being on the Just Over Broke prison has allowed me to take a good look at my life and what my legacy is going to be and for who or who would i like my legacy to affect?  mixing up the pork and the other ingredients is like mixing up a variety of my desires, thoughts and experiences to reach a most lovable flavor for ALL to enjoy.  what does that say about my heart?  I pray that you have a chance to try my pork and potatoes, more so, mixing your own to be able to share with ALL for them to enjoy as well. I also added a hot sauce which we call finadeni.  This is quite lemony and is delish with multiple dishes.  catering to the audience is something i do enjoy.  I have more din dins to make and I'll be including more of me and my experiences and/or whatever else I want.  good night!

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